Inspiring Quotes from Book “The Consolations of Philosophy”

The Polaris in the technological society

Alina Zhang
8 min readFeb 20, 2022

Shrek has been working for a tech company for a few years. He is hard-working, self-motivated, and focused. But he still has lots of confusion about goals and reality, frustrations and pleasures, reason and instincts, sufferings and fruitfulness. Therefore he starts looking for answers in philosophy. What did philosophers think? Is philosophy still Polaris in the technological society?

He opened a book by Allan de Botton “The Consolations of Philosophy”.

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Top 5 favorite quotes from the book

If you wish to draw pleasure out of life, you must attach value to the world.

In the course of his own life and in its misfortunes, he will look less at his own individual lot than at the lot of mankind as a whole, and accordingly will conduct himself … more as a knower than as a sufferer.
We must, between periods of digging in the dark, endeavor always to transform our tears into knowledge.


How badly we react to frustration is critically determined by what we think of as normal. We may be frustrated that it is raining, but our familiarity with showers means we are unlikely ever to respond to one…



Alina Zhang
Alina Zhang

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